I’m OK, You’re So-So

I’m OK, You’re So-So
So, I’ve been thinking about this book that Paul is reading regarding finding your Unique Ability and I’ve been thinking about Shon’s comment about trying to figure out what it is we’re on this planet for and I’ve been thinking about Erica’s struggle to get her son to accept responsibility, and I’ve been thinking about the explosive tension that I see all around me on the highway to Nashville and on the news every night. I’m also thinking about the issue of people coming back into the office and bumping up against other people who are “different” and having to work with those (often irritating) people to achieve a common goal.
Then it occurs to me – what if we set about discovering and nurturing each other’s unique ability? What if we figured out how to help each other apply those unique abilities to our unique challenges? And what if we figured out a way to get people in our respective organizations to first appreciate their own unique abilities but (and here’s the kicker) then to recognize and appreciate and, dare I say, “nurture” their co-workers’ unique abilities? I’m not saying we’d be on a big rock candy mountain but I do believe we could ignite a cultural revolution one business/organization at a time. We could use our own group as case zero. If it didn’t work, we’d just chalk it up to “learning” but if it did work and we figured out how to replicate it in other groups/companies/organizations, we could one day look back and say, “I did that!”
“People have presuppositions… By ‘presuppositions’ we mean the basic way that an individual looks at life – their worldview. The grid through which they see the world. Presuppositions rest upon that which a person considers to be the truth of what exists. A person’s presuppositions provide the basis for their values – and therefore the basis for their decisions.”
― Francis A. Schaeffer